The service uptime is oftentimes ignored by many people when they are searching for a new shared hosting provider, but it can often be far more important compared with the actual plan attributes. It will not matter how good a plan is if the sites hosted inside the account are unavailable for long periods of time. This kind of downtimes are frequently penalized by search engines, not mentioning the fact that visitors will most likely not return to a web site they encounter issues with. For this reason, it is important to look into the stability of the web hosting service before getting a new account to be certain that the prosperity of your Internet sites won't depend on third-party variables, but entirely on their content and on your marketing and advertising campaigns.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Shared Hosting

We guarantee 99.9% server uptime for each and every shared hosting account on our servers. We use an innovative cloud hosting platform in which each part of the web hosting service is handled by an independent group of servers, thus if one machine fails, the remaining ones within the cluster are going to take over at once. The cloud platform also lessens the overall load greatly, therefore the hosting service is far more stable in comparison with a service through which everything runs on one machine and your sites are going to perform in the very best way. We furthermore have redundant Internet lines and diesel-powered backup generators to be sure that your internet sites will remain online no matter what. Software and hardware firewalls ensure the correct performance of the servers in the case of DDoS attacks while in the case of any software issue, we have admins monitoring the web servers 24/7.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Semi-dedicated Servers

Our semi-dedicated server plans offer a 99.9% uptime guarantee. As a matter of fact, you'll not notice any downtime or service disruptions at all due to the fact that we employ a revolutionary cloud platform and instead of handling everything on a single server like most companies do, we have independent clusters of web servers that deal with each and every service - files, e-mail messages, CP, databases, etcetera. We have a custom made load-balancing system, so our hosting service is considerably more stable in comparison with what you'd typically find available on the market. To make certain that nothing will interrupt the work of your Internet websites, our web server facilities have diesel backup generators and several independent Internet providers. We have software and hardware firewalls to stop DDoS attacks and staff watching the web servers 24/7 to sort out any software issue that may appear.

Service Uptime Guarantee in VPS Servers

The server uptime will never be a concern if you get a VPS server through our company. The physical hosting server where your account will be created will be functioning at least 99.9% of the time and this includes repairs and maintenance procedures, so you’ll be able to take advantage of a quick and incredibly secure Internet hosting service all the time. To avoid any prospects for service disruptions, our data centers use multiple Internet service providers and powerful diesel generators to make certain that nothing will affect the good operation of your web sites. We've got a team of qualified professionals which will resolve instantly any software issues that might appear, while hardware problems are avoided with the use of new and thoroughly tested web server parts and hard disks working in RAID. In case of DDoS attacks, we've got software and hardware firewalls to filter the unwanted traffic to your server.

Service Uptime Guarantee in Dedicated Servers

While we can't control what you do with your dedicated server, what offline software or script-driven apps you set up on it or how frequently you reboot it, we can guarantee that it'll be accessible at least 99.9% of the time. Your machine will be located in our state-of-the-art facility in the town center of Chicago and its uptime and accessibility is going to be ensured by powerful diesel backup generators and redundant Internet providers, so no blackouts or other infrastructural difficulties shall affect the proper functioning of your websites at any time. Our skilled team of system admins will ensure that if your server freezes for some reason, it will be rebooted quickly. To prevent any probability of malfunctions, we are going to give you a server with new and thoroughly tested hardware components to be certain that your sites will be functioning no matter what.